
Kindergarten through Eighth Grade:
Shirts: Grades K-8 will wear uniform polo shirts (long or short sleeves). They must be monogrammed with an approved school logo. Colors: Royal blue, navy blue, and yellow.
Shorts/Pants: Shorts must be within 2 inches of the knee. K-4th grade students may wear blue jeans. 5-8th grade pants/shorts must be uniform style and may be purchased in any store that sells school uniforms. For modesty’s sake, no tight pants. No school logo is required. Colors: Navy blue or khaki. No drawstrings, saggy, baggy, frayed, or torn look pants. No jeans, sweat pants, yoga pants, stretch pants, leggings, or jeggings.
Skirts/Skorts/Jumpers for Girls: Must be a pleated or flat front uniform style and may be purchased at any store that sells school uniforms. Must be worn within two inches of the knee. No school logo is required. Colors: Navy blue, plaid, and Khaki.
Outerwear: Approved outerwear consists of pullover sweatshirts/sweaters, which must be solid navy, royal blue, or FAA wear. The only approved logo is FAA. During cold weather, coats may be worn over school-approved attire. Coats that are not approved outerwear must be removed while indoors.
Shoes: K-4th students must wear closed-toe shoes or closed-toed sandals with straps on the back.5-8th students must-have shoes or sandals with a strap on the back. Flip-flops, slides, and shoes with wheels (skates) are prohibited.
Swimsuits: Modest swimsuits/trunks are required for all school-sponsored water events. Girls are permitted to wear a one-piece or tankini swimwear.
Hair: Must be neat, clean, and present a well-groomed appearance. Hair must be a natural color (black, blonde, brown, red/auburn). Boys’ hair must not extend past the bottom of the ear, eyebrow, or collar. No razor-cut designs.
Other Accessories: Tattoos (temporary/marker) or body piercings of any kind may not be displayed on the body. No jewelry of any kind may be worn. Medical alert bracelets/necklaces are allowed. If students wear jewelry, it will be taken and held in the office until picked up by parents.
Hats are not to be worn inside any buildings.
Friday Uniforms: Students can wear an FAA t-shirt and blue jeans, which must adhere to the above rules. Students may also wear FAA, Conference, or SDA college sweatshirts.
High School:
Shirts: High School will wear Oxford Style white monogrammed shirts (short or long sleeves). Shirts will be worn daily and tucked in at all times (Monday-Thursday).
Shorts/Pants: Shorts must be within 2 inches of the knee. Shorts or Pants must be uniform style and may be purchased in any store that sells school uniforms. For modesty’s sake, no tight pants. No school logo is required. Colors: Navy blue or khaki. No drawstrings, saggy, baggy, frayed, or torn look pants. No jeans, sweat pants, yoga pants, stretch pants, leggings, or jeggings.
Skirts/Skorts: Must be pleated or flat front uniform style and may be purchased in any store that sells school uniforms. Must be worn within two inches of the knee. No school logo is required.
Colors: Navy blue, plaid, and Khaki.
Outerwear: Approved outerwear consists of sweaters/cardigans, which must be solid navy, royal blue, or FAA wear. The only approved logo is FAA. During cold weather, coats may be worn over school-approved attire. Coats that are not approved outerwear must be removed while indoors.
Shoes: Shoes and sandals must have a strap on the back. Flip-flops, slides, and shoes with wheels(skates) are prohibited.
Swimsuits: Modest swimsuits/trunks are required for all school-sponsored water events. Girls are permitted to wear a one-piece or tankini swimwear.
Hair: Must be neat, clean, and present a well-groomed appearance. Hair must be a natural color (black, blonde, brown, red/auburn). Boys’ hair must not extend past the bottom of the ear, eyebrow, or collar.No razor cut designs.
Other Accessories: Tattoos (temporary/marker) or body piercings of any kind may not be displayed on the body. No jewelry of any kind may be worn. Medical alert bracelets/necklaces are allowed. If students wear jewelry, it will be taken and held in the office until picked up by parents. Hats are not to be worn inside any buildings.
Friday Uniforms: Students can wear an FAA t-shirt and blue jeans, which must adhere to the above rules. Students may also wear FAA, Conference, or SDA college sweatshirts.
Formal Attire: On occasions sponsored by the Academy where formal attire is required, students should not feel pressured to buy expensive formal wear. When formal wear is requested for an event, nice church dresses and suits are appropriate. Please consider modesty in your clothing selection. Assigned faculty must pre-approve all dresses for banquets. Students choosing to disregard the formal dress code will not be allowed to enter the current event.
Dresses must have shoulder straps and cover the back from the waist up to the natural bra line.
Dresses should not reveal cleavage.
Hems/slits should not come higher than two inches above the knee.
Dresses should not have any cutouts or reveal any part of the body other than what is allowed in the back and front as stated above.
Dress Down Days will be monitored by the staff. School personnel will make the final decision regarding appropriate school attire. In matters of opinion, the judgment of teachers and administration will prevail. Parents are encouraged to ensure their children are properly clothed for school.
Dress Code Rule Violation Consequences
1st Offense — Parents will be asked to bring clothes for students to change. The student will be retained in the office area until appropriately attired.
2nd Offense — $25.00 - Parents will be asked to bring clothes for students to change. The student will be retained in the office area until appropriately attired.
3rd Offense — $50.00 - Parents will be asked to bring clothes for students to change. The student will be retained in the office area until appropriately attired.
4th Offense — Parents will be asked to pick up student. The Disciplinary Committee will meet with student and parents for appropriate consequences.
Purchasing Uniforms
FAA Preferred School Number: 900134305
Phone: 800-469-2222
Mail: Lands’ End School, 2 Land's End Lane, Dodgeville, WI 53595-0640
Phone: 800-636-3104
Embroidery Not Available
If you'd like to purchase your student's uniform at a local retail store, Artworkz Screen Printing and Embroidery will embroider our school logo on any approved items for $8.00 as long as you bring in a minimum of 3 items.
Artzworkz Screen Printing and Embroidery
1646 Clovis Ave.
Clovis, CA 93612
Phone: (559) 472-3070